Mission Statement
ComServ, Inc. enhances the lives of persons with disabilities and their families by expanding opportunities of maximum growth and independence; promoting self-determination in inclusive and diverse environments; engaging in whole person care and health promotion activities and providing services/supports for successfully achieving positive desired outcomes through individualized services, natural supports and participation in the community in which they live.
ComServ, Inc. will be the provider of choice for individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities and their families. Services will be developed and operated based on best practices and the current anticipated needs of diverse populations within our community. Resources will be maximized to meet the needs of our community and provide quality, meaningful services. Services will be provided in community settings inclusive of various residential opportunities, day programs, and individualized services. Services will also be of the highest quality and delivered in the most cost effective, efficient and ethical manner. ComServ will also demonstrate a respect and awareness for the diversity of person’s served by providing culturally and linguistically appropriate services. Staff will be expected to conduct themselves in a professional and highly ethical manner and to be a positive role model for persons served. ComServ will strive to employ and retain quality staff that has been well trained and compensated at a competitive rate.
The underlying philosophy and belief in providing services at ComServ, Inc. is that people with disabilities have the right to live and thrive in a culturally diverse community and should be afforded the same opportunities as individuals who do not have disabilities. Furthermore, an integral part of ComServ, Inc. is that citizens with disabilities can learn to live to their fullest capabilities if they are:
- Given individual choices through self-determination.
- Supported by natural relationships.
- Fully experiencing life by residing in the least restrictive environment and participating in the richness of diversity and cultural experiences available in the community.
- Provided with a diverse staff that are supportive and who have effective relationships with other staff and support team members-especially those most significant to that individual.
- Having maximum input into their services of choice.
- Assisting individuals to have a meaningful quality of life.
ComServ Guiding Principles
We believe in…
- The inherent worth of all people.
- Promoting independence for individuals through education and self-determination.
- Promoting self-reliance and self-actualization.
- People living and working in their community and achieving real life outcomes.
- Continuous quality improvement.
- Freedom from discrimination.
- Person-centered-planning that is reflective of life wishes.
- Providing respectful & individualized quality services and supports to persons served by understanding their major values & beliefs and knowing how to respond to aspects of diversity.
- Fostering inclusion, acceptance, & respect for diversity in all forms.
- Providing direct support staff the tools, education and support in a positive environment to promote opportunities of maximum growth and in order to retain exceptional staff resulting in additional stability for people served.
- Both advocating for the persons we serve and educating and promoting self-advocacy.
- Promoting ethical business practices that support the kind of relationship for which services and supports can best be carried out and that provide guidance with sound decision making.