Available in Lincoln, Gaston and Cleveland counties.
Supported Employment is founded on the belief that anyone can work if they are provided the right supports. Individuals who have not traditionally participated in competitive employment based upon their disability are the primary focus of Supported Employment. ComServ’s Supported Employment Services provides supports to help individuals to find jobs in the community. Regular or periodic assistance, training and support are provided for the purpose of developing, maintaining and/or improving job skills, and fostering career advancement opportunities. Natural supports are developed to help increase inclusion and independence of the individual within their community. We also focus on job retention, making sure new employees are comfortable with their position and confident in their abilities.
Gale Alexander Kamen, PhD., an educational consultant and employment specialist working for the D.C. government states:
"Supported employment programs are different from more conventional approaches to job placement. Traditional programs utilized pre-employment vocational training aimed at learning and practicing general job skills before looking for employment. Supported employment employs a rapid job search and trains consumers on-site in real-life jobs in their communities. As such, it allows for new employment opportunities for people with disabilities who might not be ready to move directly into independent competitive employment. Often people with disabilities begin the process of workforce re-entry in a graduated fashion. Volunteer work, training, and supported employment can serve as a springboard to independent competitive employment." — Kamen, Gale Alexander. (Supported Employment), Ability Magazine
ComServ provides Supported Employment services to individuals 16 years of age and older. The service includes job development and coaching/training, long term vocational and day activity supports. These services are funded by Innovations Waiver (Medicaid) and State (IPRS) dollars.
For additional information contact:
Creative Opportunities
Morganton Office
TTY – 828-430-7194
Information and Referral
TTY - 823-430-7194
Being disabled should not mean being disqualified from having access to every aspect of life". — Emma Thompson