Day Activity programs are located in Caldwell and Gaston Counties, however, individuals from surrounding counties can attend these programs.
Com Serv, Inc. assists adults over the age of 18 to develop the skills necessary for daily living and community inclusion through its two Day Activity Centers. Creative Opportunities is located in Gastonia, N.C. and serves Gaston, Lincoln and Cleveland Counties. Gateway Opportunities is located in Hudson, N.C. and serves Burke, Caldwell, Alexander and Catawba counties. Both Centers operate year round, five days a week from 9:00 to 3:00 pm. The service is funded through Innovations as Day Supports and State dollars (IPRS) as Day Activity.
Planned activities support the individual’s personal independence and promotes social, physical and emotional well-being through meaningful activities. Activities include both in-home, facility and community-based opportunities. Activities range from arts and crafts to recreational outings. Participants have a choice of activities to select from as well as the option to attend on a part-time basis, depending on needs.
Day Activity participants come from a variety of residential living arrangements – some live at home with their families while others live in residential homes supported by ComServ, Inc. or by other provider agencies.
For information contact:
Creative Opportunities:
Gateway Opportunities:
TTY: 828-728-2831
Meaningful Days
Why are having meaningful day activities important for the well being of a person with developmental delays and/or intellectual disabilities?
How do you implement meaningful days that will lead to positive meaningful lives for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities?
Meaningful Day Activities is an individualized approach to providing each individual a full life that is full of choices, community, and competence. Activities are respectful, purposeful, and provide value to the dreams and aspirations of the individual. (Held & Tijerina, 2008)
Meaningful Day increases stability.
Persons participating in meaningful day are more likely to have a positive identity. (Harvey, 2009)
Participation and interactions in the community decrease negative behaviors.
Recommended Actions and Prevention Strategies
Create a Meaningful Day for the individual by actively engaging them in:
Presence in the community:
The person should be involved in the community they live in. The person should be seen in the community participating in the same activities that others living in that community engage in. -
Allowing the person to make as many choices about their day as possible. This includes smaller choices (examples in some cases could be what they might like to wear), and bigger choices (examples in some cases could be where they would like to volunteer). -
Community participation:
The person is involved in a growing network of a community; this is a community outside of paid staff. -
The person is respected and valued by others persons in the community, not just paid staff. (Brien, 1989).
Use the goals of a meaningful day to decrease behaviors.
The goals of the meaningful day are the goals of the person. Remind individuals about their goals and how behaviors could impact their goal outcomes. Used not as punishment, but as reflection. Example: if you get angry and throw things the restaurant might not want you to have coffee here every day.
Continue to listen and change the meaningful day goals with the individual.
Allow the person to redefine themselves by their relationships with others in the community and what they are able to give back to those around them.
When a person feels the impact of respect, community participation, competence, values, and has choices they will develop a positive identity about themself which will increase their positive behaviors in the their life. (Harvey, 2009; O’Brien, 1989) Learning Assessment
Held, M., & Tijerina, J. (2008). Living Life to the Fullest: How to Create and Implement Meaningful Lifestyles. (handout). Bloomington, IN.
O’Brien, J. (1989). What’s Worth Working For? Leadership for Better Quality Human Services. Responsive System Associates. Lithonia, Georgia. Retrieved on February 24, 2010 from